Presenting our professional services.
Taxation Planning & Returns
Specialising in Taxation Planning and Annual Returns, we provide a great depth of experience and commitment to getting you the best results and fast turnaround of your assessment.
Business Services
There is more to running a business that just keeping yourself employed. We can help you manage and develop a really successful business in a rapidly changing world.
Company Audits
Hales Redden are Registered Company Auditors specialising in all trusts accounts for Solicitors and Real Estate Agents, Registered Clubs and Superannuation Funds.
GST & Tax Specialists
Hales Redden are experts when it comes to the Goods and Service Tax (GST).
We can prepare all your GST related documents.
Established in Rockdale NSW since 1950
Please make our receptionist aware if you have a significant disability and require any assistance or special arrangements when visiting our office.”